Friday, May 14, 2010


Luck LuckLuck...... Is a funny word!! One day you have it and the next day... its gone!!! All of it! So we are all aware of our flood, Well that is all cleared up and dandy! That was just an adventure in our eyes, everyone goes through it hopefully only once. Little did i know that was just the beginning of a real eye opener! So we went to AZ this past weekend with Tara and Wyatt! We have been planning this little get-a-way for a few weeks, it was kinda a nice break from school, work, pretty much life!! Tara was down there for work so Cory, Wyatt and i drove down wed night at 8. We drove all night ....well they did, no one wants me driving at night i don't have great depth perception at night, we wanted to get there in one piece! So we got there really early in the morning! We saw the sun set and rise! So we just played all day, i brought down my new NIKON D3000 (remember my baby?) so i could play around with it and learn how to really use it! Well that night as we were walking back to the hotel Cory and i decide to take up a bike ride offer of one of those guys riding around pulling people on a little two seater benches. It was only five dollars so we hoped on...Purse and all. We got close to the end of our ride..... keep in mind it was only about ten minutes long when i realize my purse is gone, (we think it fell off the back). It had my life in it, i know that's lame to say but really.... My new camera, My snap shot camera, New phone Cory got me for valentines day, My new pink ipod Cory had just gotten me to replace my last one that was stolen, planner, wallet, about 150 bucks and all of my cards, The keys to the car...and all these things were nicely placed in my Juicy bag i got for my birthday last year...not even one year old, it was just a baby! Once i realized it was gone we back tracked and called my phone, it was already turned off and my purse was no where to be found. That ...Blank-etty-blank person who stole my purse got well over 1000 dollars worth of crap that probably didn't even mean anything to them. The worst part about it, is knowing someone out there has my identity and could really do damage one day.
Word of advice....don't caring things worth any value in your purse! haha
But lets look on the bright side...we got a
$10 ride for only $5!!! What a deal!
The rest of the trip was fine, it was just hard to be on vacation when you don't have any money!! The weather was AWESOME!!! 95 degrees ...who can complain! Great food and company! So moral of the story is...if you see someone with a Nikon D3000 camera and they are not truly appreciating its beauty and splendidness, let me know cuz it could be mine. That is the item i will miss the most!! We will just have to start from scratch and save up again! Hey second times a charm right? RIGHT?

Excuse the
grammar or spelling....(Carly) Cory is not here to correct and i really don't want to fix it!!


  1. That totally sucks!! I am so sorry. My heart breaks for you.

  2. Poor dear, sometimes the worst things happen in life and who knows why? Not me! It just seems unfair, I know, right? Loosing my purse is honestly one of my biggest fears especially with all of that stuff you lost with. I think I would cry for days straight if I lost my camera. I can't believe the person who found your stuff didn't turn it in....its just so immoral...hopefully someday they get whats coming and change their ways :( Hope you are doing alright, and buy yourself a nice new Juicy!!

  3. katie that's the worst. i would be hating the world. good thing you're a good person and have such a good attitude! we need to play soon. i'll text you my number. love you

  4. Fetus...please don't mind if I call you this because it is what I have come to know you by... I feel so bad for you! If I had a Nikon D3000 I would most definitely give it to you! Oh, and p.s. I found you through Lynds' blog, don't be mad! Anyways, cute blog other than the saddest news EVER!!! I'm sorry!

  5. I'm still so ticked about this! Boo.
