Sunday, July 4, 2010


Thank goodness the weather has gotten warmer....I was about to move to Hawaii just to keep my sanity!! (hey not a bad idea huh?!) Well this summer we have kept ourselves busy with little projects around the house.... you know "Honey do lists"! (So this is Cory... editing Katie's post so that the spelling is right... WE by we she means ME...)We have a list of things we need to get done around the house before we can even think about getting a mac book computer !!!! P.s Cory bought me a new camera!!! What a sweet heart! He found my same kind of camera on ksl and surprised me for a late birthday present!! I love when my birthday celebration lasts till middle of June!! Anyways back to the projects....
  1. We are painting glossy stripes on one wall of our room, the wall backing up to our bed! Then we are going to put crown molding just around that wall to frame it in and put up an old door for our head board! Pretty easy project, if we just put our minds to it! This "weekend project" has turned into a month long EXTRAVAGANZA!! and we are still not even close to being done! haha Story of our lives!
  2. Clean out the garage, We are getting closer to this goal! Cory hung up our bikes we just need to actually clean out the thing and give the four wheeler back to his parents! Once again pretty easy but some how still not done!!!
  3. Hook up the salon sink (which Cory bought for me back in December!!) Finally the sink is mounted it just needs to be hooked up to the water! After our flood we decided we need a pro to come in and hook it up! We are not about to explore that ourselves!
  4. Paint the Office desk! I'm actually really excited about this! We decided to paint our roll top desk black and mod-podge on the indents old fashion news paper! Sounds weird but it will look way cool, Plus new handles will really help this poor desk look SEXY!!!(She forgot to add my modern touch!!! Fully automatic roll top, I'm installing a switch and motor to open and close it.. I guess that's the engineer in me.)
Plus many more projects to come......
We have started on the bedroom wall....clearly didn't get far!

For fathers day kneaders was giving out free french toast!!! YUMMY!!! We took our chances on them turning us down because cory is not a father...yet, but they were totally cool and let us pretend we were part of the cool father club!!! p.s this french toast is to DIE for!!!!!!!
Cory decided he needed a chef hat...This was the best we could do!! haha (actually I didn't decide anything, Katie smashed it on my head and laughed... naturally I left it on to keep her laughing)


  1. You guys are hilarious! I love that it is a joint effort when writing the blog posts... now if only i could get Wyatt to do that too...

  2. Just suck at spelling....that's what i did and now he blogs with me!!! haha or it could be the newlywed thing! Who knows!
